JOINTS As long as all joints run like clockwork, it moves fine. Precisely then, precautions should be taken to ensure joint health is maintained for as long as possible. But at the latest, when the shoe pinches or a joint starts to hurt, you must deal with it. CONSTRUCTION In principle, joints consist of the joint surfaces of two opposing bones. A very smooth cartilage layer covers them to prevent bone from rubbing on bone. The joint fluid in between serves to further reduce the friction resistance and - very important, please - to nourish the joint cartilage. Through this viscous fluid called synovia, the cartilage receives the essential macro and micronutrients it needs. Therefore, the bones and cartilage of the joints are closely related and treated together. NORMAL AGING PROCESS In life, the articular cartilage wears out and reduces bone mass. The lifestyle and the nutritional style essentially determine how quickly this process progresses. Look unfavorable · ...